
Showing posts from August, 2022

What Does Really Beauty Means?

  Often, when we talk about beauty, our brain cells unconditionally tend to imagine and portray a picture of young Women. This is a very common and natural thought process. However, this is really untrue. Beauty is deep and beyond gender! Beauty means not only the outer surface appearance of someone, but also who they are inside and how they portray themselves on a day-to-day basis. Beauty comes from Inside-out rather from outside-in. To me beauty means standing for your unique qualities and being yourselves. Beauty is the reflection of joy within oneself. Beauty is probably an intangible feeling and pleasure we receive when we look at and admire, endless green mountains, spending quality time with someone special, extending help to others, doing what we like to do and much more. When I think of Beauty, I think of my Parent and Grandparent. The unconditional love, warm protection, and endless care they shower are beyond explanation! Another example: Mother Teresa - who for over 45 ...

The Importance of Health Fitness & Tips That Help You Stay in Shape

  The Importance of Health Fitness & Tips That Help You Stay in Shape The Importance of Health Fitness E xer cising and working out is a great way to always look and feel better in getting a total wellness for our body. The physical as well the mental well-being of a person always depends on it. One good thing about exercising is that it can help a person lessen the chances of getting heart diseases or even diabetes. It is also good in the reduction of various effects of depression and getting rid of different stressors. Getting the mental and physical benefits of health fitness are always well worth all the hard work. It will make certain that you are able to live a happier life and is always in good shape. Now, I have one great question for everyone. Do you want to just live your life or do you want to enjoy life and take pleasure in your existence? The choice will depend on you.           ...